Thursday, July 23, 2015

Incoming 23rd July 2015

Yes I am still on holiday enjoying lazy time at home. No phone call from office today, and it worried me haha. I called my assistant, she said everything is under control and I should be going out somewhere. Before I went to another mall, the postman delivered some postcards and an envelope. Call me old school, but I really love receiving handwritten letters or postcards through postal service. True that everything is more convinient, cheap and faster with email but it lacks emotion. I enjoy the surprise feeling when I open envelope. 

Today's incoming are postcards from Hongkong, Singapore, South Korea and an envelope from Czech Republic. The postcard from Singapore and the envelope from Czech are coming through official postcrossing and the other 2 postcards are from direct swap. I will write later what Postcrossing is about :) 

This postcard from Hongkong is part of the "Greeting From..." aka GF card series from People are collecting this series which consist of some countries (more than 30 countries and it keeps growing), everytime new GF card released people became crazy looking for swap to be sent from the country of origin which is a bit funny because this GF card is designed by a Polish, produced in Poland and we should buy it online. The "Greeting From..." postcard is really famous that some people tried to copy the design and made their own, few of the famous (unofficial) copy designs are the blackhole and pizza card.

I got this GF Hongkong from direct swap via instagram, I sent GF Indonesia card to the person in Hongkong  and she sent me GF Hongkong card in return. The swap is based on trust :D Until today I have collected 4 GF cards, Phillippines, Taiwan, South Korea and Hongkong. I have arranged swap with Chile, Russia and Belarus, let's see when they will arrive here, ooh a lady from Norway just messaged me yesterday telling there will be GF Norway soon and I have asked her to reserve one for me. It's a bit difficult to find people to swap with GF Indonesia because it seemed everyone has already swapped with Indonesian hahaa. That is why I have ordered all GF series card from Postallove and hopefully one day I could go travelling to all that countries and send my self the GF card ^_^
"Greeting From..." Hongkong card via direct swap instagram
This is my first postcard from Singapore and it came through official postcrossing. Postcrossing is a project where you can send postcard and receive postcard back from random people in the world. You must sign in first to the website and request address where to send the postcards. They will give you address along with unique ID number, you must write the ID number on the postcard. Once the person received your postcard, it will be registered from that person's account and unlock your turn to get postcard from random people in the world. As for the postcrossing member we call it as "postcrosser". 

I have been a member of postcrossing for 7 months, my statistics are 38 postcards received, 35 postcards sent and 9 postcards travelling. Last 14th July was the postcrossing 10th anniversary, I have seen some profiles where they have sent and received more than 3.000 cards. Really amazing that people stick with this hobby for a long time.
A postcard from Singapore through offical postcrossing
A surprise card from South Korea showing Yongpyong ski slope, winter 2018 Olympics will be held in Korea from Kangwondo. I never thought that I would get this postcard. It was sent by a Korean girl name Hyojin. We did tea swap before and she wrote on the postcard that she sent me the postcard to say thank you...aawww isn't it really sweet. 
A postcard from Korea sent by Hyojin
Another surprise from official postcrossing is this envelope !! it was sent from Czech Republic by a young couple, Jana and Michal. Postcrossing normally is about postcard, that is why receiving an envelope contains letter, postcards, brochures and sticker is a rare. A very rare nice surprise, I enjoyed reading the letter and when I registered the postcard, I also sent message to them asking their address. I want to send them a thank you letter and happy postcrossing greeting :)
Wonderful surprise from Czech Republic
Some beautiful stamps

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